The Green Endowment

Gifts of forest land to the University of Maine
Foresters and others in the natural resource fields have strong roots in the conservation ethic, and it’s their love of the outdoors, of growing things and nature in general that draws them as faculty and students to the College of Earth, Life, and Health Sciences. A Green Endowment of Forest Land is an opportunity for those of us who share this love of the land to give to the university in a meaningful way.
Over 100 years of forest resources leadership
The University of Maine’s forestry program is one of the oldest, largest and best in the nation. The program is dedicated to the education of forest resource managers who will oversee the wise and sustainable use of our forest resources.
Practicing what we teach
In order to “practice what it teaches,” the college is looking to obtain a larger portion of its income from the very resources that it teaches others to manage. The college believes that good stewardship of commercial forest resources can and should be a continuing source of its income. The income is used for:
• direct support of educational programs with the emphasis on students— both undergraduate and graduate;
• support of faculty and staff in teaching and research efforts.

“The goal for Green Endowment gifts of forest land is to provide long-term educational opportunities for students at the University of Maine. The professional staff at the University of Maine Foundation is available to assist landowners with gift options and estate planning ideas.”
Wise uses of resources
The College of Earth, Life, and Health Sciences seeks quality forest lands that can be managed to supply a long-term source of income. The college manages these lands for both long-term sustained yield of marketable resources and for wildlife habitat, recreational potential and other forest resource values.
Managing forests for the future
Forest lands acquired by the University of Maine Foundation on behalf of the College of Earth, Life, and Health Sciences will be managed under a forestry management plan for the benefit of generations of students to come.
Advantages to UMaine and to the donor
A gift of forest land is a meaningful and attractive contribution to the University of Maine. This gift of property can be managed according to the donor’s wishes.
Donors who make bequests and other deferred gifts are eligible for membership in the Charles F. Allen Legacy Society.
Reasons for a gift of forest land
• Protect the land from development
• Ensure professional management of forest land for the long-term
• Make a tax-deductible contribution with a current gift
• Eliminate capital gains tax on appreciated property
• Save on estate taxes, in some cases
• Make a gift during your lifetime, or leave the gift through a will
• Create a perpetual memorial to oneself or a loved one